Monthly Archives: February 2016

Osteoarthritis in Hands

You try to go about your daily activities and one thing keeps you stopped in your tracks:  osteoarthritis in hands.  Have you experienced that aching, dull and throbbing joint pain in your hands?  It’s enough pain to hinder your ability to open doors, get dressed or work on your computer.  We use our hands so […]

How to Avoid These Manicure Nightmares

At Desert Hand Therapy, we focus on helping patients live their lives with strong and healthy hands. That doesn’t mean we don’t like to spend a little time to make them look great the right way too! Going to get a manicure may be just what you need to take a load off from the […]

How to Stop Sweaty Hands

Is your life plagued with sweaty hands? No one likes shaking a hand that is drenched in sweat.   Sweaty hands affect many people during stressful situations or on a daily basis.  Excessive and uncontrollable sweating of the hands or palms is called palmar hyperhidrosis. This condition is an embarrassing problem, but there are effective ways […]

Understanding and Treating Shaking Hands

You’re meeting with a friend for lunch and reach across the table to grab the salt. To your dismay, your hands begin to shake.  You’ve noticed this happening on and off, but now it’s becoming more frequent. What is happening? Is this a sign of Parkinson’s?  It’s not that you’re feeling nervous.  What could this […]

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